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Aptech has affiliated with Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill Council (B&WSSC), a government body, to provide certified beauty courses and produce skilled candidates of highest calibre in the beauty and wellness sector.

Alliance with the Sector Skill Council and a vocational training provider will completely focus on learning, training and development of the overall students. Students will be meticulously trained on current and relevant course curriculum, industry trends and needs, and latest and state-of-the-art products and technology. Such standards of teaching and learning eases the process of employment. Also, a B&WSSC certified candidate is preferred over candidates without any certification.

Students undertaking a beauty and wellness course need to appear for B&WSSC exam after which they will be provided B&WSSC certificate with NSDC recognition as well.

The Sector Skill Council Certificate is considered to be the highest certifying body by the government of India.

Interested in joining a beauty training program at Lakmé Academy?

Why B&WSSC endorsed certification?

The B&WSSC affiliation is also expected to encourage VTP/Education Body to pursue constant excellence so that they are always in line with the requirements of the beauty and wellness sector. The affiliation also aims to bring vocational education like beauty and wellness at par with formal education.

The demand for fitness experts is on the rise. The tie up between the two bodies will produce more certified and professional fitness experts and encourage the younger generation to make a career in the beauty and wellness industry.

B&WSSC certified candidates are:



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